
Tips For Writing An Essay About Yourself

 Tips For Writing An Essay About Yourself Many writers can write many books of numerous pages, but if you ask them to write two pages about themselves, they'll fumble. Most people don't and cannot write about themselves in a proper way.  Therefore we bring you tips on how you can write an essay about yourself:  1. Create a list of questions- First of all, you need to create a list of all questions that you need to answer for better clarity.  2. Brainstorm and outline- Now, as you've listed down the questions, make a basic outline on how would you like to answer these questions.  3. Be vulnerable- When you're going to write about yourself, you cannot try to hide. The more raw and authentic you go, the more depth the write up will carry with equal impression and influence.  4. Use personal examples- People don't pay much heed to your advice until and unless you've shown or told them that you've already done what you're saying and you know better because yo

Print On Demand Publishing

 Now get your book published on print on demand publishing: 1. Lower costs- In Print on Demand Publishing you only pay for what is required at a point of time.  2. Update whenever you like- In print on demand publishing you can update and correct your mistakes  without much hassles.  3- Time and storage effective- In print on demand publishing you save time and also a lot of storage area.  4. Order as required- Only order the number of copies that you require at a period of time instead of unnecessary stocking.  5. No compromise on quality- Maintain the regular quality of books in the limited stock at better rates.  6. Saves unnecessary hassles- of extra printing, stocking and resources. Supply depends on demand and hence the prints are never over stocked thus saving any risks.  So get your book printed on demand today only on Shabd.

Book Publishers In Delhi

 Book Publishers In Delhi Writing a book has always been fun. It's creative, it's imaginative, and it's a wonderful process. To create your own world, your own characters and then to send it out in the world.  However, writing a book, writing a novel and getting it published in Delhi is also a tedious task on the other hand. A novel which can have many chapters, it's not easy to write and connect all the dots without any guidance. Especially when it's your first ever book, writing and getting it published in self publishing can take a lot of toll on your hardwork and patience, without any proper guidance whatsoever. And that's why we're here to help you in guiding you how to write and get your first ever book self-published easily in Delhi, India. Book Publishers in Delhi and NCR-  1. Penguin Publishers- The Penguin Publishing Group, situated in Gurugram is the proud publisher of great writers and gifted storytellers, beloved books and eminent works. Penguin

Best Free Online Writing Tools To Write A Book:

 Best Free Online Writing Tools To Write A Book:  Gone are the days when authors used to write their books on paper with pen, because in the recent times most writers write directly online, on MS Word or directly on the applications provided by publishers.  So here we bring for you a list of online writing platforms: Free Writing Software:  1. Google Docs (IOS/Mac/Online): Create and edit text documents directly in your browser- no dedicated software required. Several people can work at the same time, and every change is saved automatically. 2. Kindle Vella (iOS)- Kindle Vella is a new way to tell a story, one episode at a time. Publish your Kindle Vella story through Kindle Direct Publishing.  3. Milanote- Mila note is an easy to use tool to organize your ideas and projects into visual boards.  4. Pomodoro Timer- this technique is created for a more productive way to work and study. A timer is used to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, seperated by sho

Avoid Common Issues When Writing A Children's Book-

 Avoid Common Issues When Writing A Children's Book- It's amazing to inculcate the habit of reading and writing in Children, especially in this screen studded world. The better readers and writers we can have in the young generation, the better world we can have in the future. But, children can only write books when they read good books, and it's kind of obvious that the kids cannot read the books meant for adults. So many writers exclusively write for the kids. There are even many kid authors present everywhere. So if you're going to write a children's book, these tips are for you to making some common mistakes-  1. Don't confuse age categories-  Kids can be aged at 8 years and kids can be aged at 14 years and kids can be aged at 17 years too, but all three age groups have different choices when it comes to picking up books. An eight year old kid might take up a book written in a very different way than the other two categories. So the writer has to first ensur

How To Choose Keywords In Book Writing

 How To Choose Keywords In Book Writing:  Writing a book has always been fun. It's creative, it's imaginative, and it's a wonderful process. To create your own world, your own characters and then to send it out in the world.  However, in these times where the books need to be promoted as extensively as required, and to promote the book online, seo researched keywords are required.  What is Keyword?  Keywords are the words and phrases that people type into search engines to find what they're looking for.  For example, if a searcher types in "billionaire romance books", into the search bar, search bots will discern that the searcher is interested in romance books that fall under the Romantic Heroes/Rich & Wealthy Category. The books that'll show up on page results for such a search query will have keywords like billionaire, rich, Wealthy, aristocrat, romance and others on their book page.  Generate and build a list of the most relevant keywords. Once you

Good Reasons To Choose Print-On-Demand Publishing

 Good Reasons To Choose Print-On-Demand Publishing Writing a book has always been fun. It's creative, it's imaginative, and it's a wonderful process. To create your own world, your own characters and then to send it out in the world of publishing. There were times when people used to wait for ages to get their manuscripts approved from traditional publishing houses and then used to again go around bookstores and bookstalls to showcase their books, in both places, they had to pay huge sums- first to get their books approved and published, and then to ensure they're available in market.  Publishing a paperback copy of your book costs a lot, because a lot of tangible items are used, like paper, ink, cover. Also, in paperback publishing, most publishers print at least 10-20 copies in one go, not just one, so it's always an assembled costs.  However, with time we moved to a digital world. Earlier, people used to read real books, now most people, even avid readers find it