Avoid Common Issues When Writing A Children's Book-

 Avoid Common Issues When Writing A Children's Book-

It's amazing to inculcate the habit of reading and writing in Children, especially in this screen studded world. The better readers and writers we can have in the young generation, the better world we can have in the future.

But, children can only write books when they read good books, and it's kind of obvious that the kids cannot read the books meant for adults. So many writers exclusively write for the kids. There are even many kid authors present everywhere.

So if you're going to write a children's book, these tips are for you to making some common mistakes- 

1. Don't confuse age categories-

 Kids can be aged at 8 years and kids can be aged at 14 years and kids can be aged at 17 years too, but all three age groups have different choices when it comes to picking up books. An eight year old kid might take up a book written in a very different way than the other two categories. So the writer has to first ensure what kind of a category he/she wants to write for and which age group they're targeting as audience. 

2. Don't make the moral of your story too obvious- 

The children's book almost always comes with a moral. Most books comes with a teaching in a story. However, when it comes to the kids books, the morals don't have to come very obvious. The kids should be able to actually read and understand the complete story and only after pondering over it a little, the kids should be able to find out the moral.

3. Avoid a bland title- 

Most readers choose a book on the basis of the title and the book cover. A catchy title and a catchy bright book cover works very well for the kids. They find it attractive and often end up buying it. Bland titles or book covers which are plain and simple have less or very limited scope of actually getting picked  by a child. 

4. Avoid a slow start- 

Books need a fast beginning for better interest of the reader. This fact gains even more truth and power when comes to children's book. Kids have focus on a general basis than adults, and to keep them focused on doing the same work each day for hours requires a correct strategy, and what could be better than having a fast paced book which can generate lots of interest from the kid. 

5. Don't skimp on an illustrator- 

Kids love cartoons and drawings apart from the books and words. Big colorful drawings and cartoons have always attracted kids. Many authors write children's book in complete illustrations and drawings. Therefore, a kid's writer should always add on the cartoons, illustrations and drawings in their books. 

There are many platforms in India which helps you in writing, publishing and promotions of your children's books. 

Amongst these sites, there's a newly launched writing, reading and publishing site known as "Shabd" which offers many amazing features like reading books, writing own books or short articles, getting their books published on demand and selling them online, even giving services for marketing and promotions like book reviewing and influencer marketing. Best thing? You can choose whether you want to read and publish your book for free or paid, gaining 80% of the royalties if you keep your book paid. 

You can simply register yourself on Shabd, create an account and start writing right away. Once you're done with the book, you can publish the book, for free or paid, and can start promoting the URL of the book on all over social media to sell your book online for free. This "How to sell your book" idea is one of the best strategies present today in the digital world. 

So what are you waiting for. If you're a writer waiting to get published, if you're an author looking for selling your book online, if you're ba reader wanting to read a good book, come and join us on Shabd today.


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