How To Write A Book About A Festival

 How To Write A Book About A Festival

Many writers in India wants to write a book on festivals, as India is a land of festivals and diversities. We are a bunch of celebratory people and we enjoy writing and reading about the different festivals of India. 

Therefore, we have made a list for you of the tips you need to remember if you're writing a book on festivals. 

For writing a book on festivals we suggest that you adopt three general axes: 

A: Origin and evolution of festivals- The very first thing that you need to begin your book about festivals is by adding the details of the origin and evolution of a festival. Where the festival begun from, what were the causes, the stories that lies behind the festival and how it has changed over all these years. 

2. Aesthetics, creations and heritage- Also write about the heritage and creations of the festival. What are ways in which the festival is celebrates, what's done in the preparations, the religion it belongs to, when it's celebrated. 

3. Local, national and global perspectives- The writer's should also include what the people of the same area, country and nationals of another country thinks about the said festival. 

2. Set your work in the following ways: 

A: Consider the time you have available: Maybe you're writing for Christmas and it's already September, so now you have a very few months to write on the festival, as you would want to launch the book on or around the festival for better craze. 

B: Take 20 minutes to read and organize the ideas: Reading comes in two parts in the life of a writer. First, in the way of reading the work of others, and second by reading their own work and sort their work out. 

C: Plan the bulk of the time to write: Planning when to write and for how much time is extremely necessary for a uniform progress. Writing one day for five hours and then not writing for five days in not consistent. 

D: Re-read and fix typos, errors and whatever it is that you find unsatisfactory in your draft: Once you're done with writing, read and re-read your book till the time you keep on finding errors and edit your book till you're satisfied. 

Many sites now help you do all these. Amongst these sites, there's a newly launched writing, reading and publishing site known as "Shabd" which offers many amazing features like reading books, writing own books or short articles, getting their books published and selling them online, even giving services for marketing and promotions like book reviewing and influencer marketing. Best thing? You can choose whether you want to read and publish your book for free or paid, gaining 80% of the royalties if you keep your book paid. 

You can simply register yourself on Shabd, create an account and start writing right away. Once you're done with the book, you can publish the book, for free or paid, and can start promoting the URL of the book on all over social media to sell your book online for free. This "How to sell your book" idea is one of the best strategies present today in the digital world. 

So what are you waiting for. If you're a writer waiting to get published, if you're an author looking for selling your book online, if you're ba reader wanting to read a good book, come and join us on Shabd today.


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