
Showing posts from August, 2022

Good Reasons To Choose Print-On-Demand Publishing

 Good Reasons To Choose Print-On-Demand Publishing Writing a book has always been fun. It's creative, it's imaginative, and it's a wonderful process. To create your own world, your own characters and then to send it out in the world of publishing. There were times when people used to wait for ages to get their manuscripts approved from traditional publishing houses and then used to again go around bookstores and bookstalls to showcase their books, in both places, they had to pay huge sums- first to get their books approved and published, and then to ensure they're available in market.  Publishing a paperback copy of your book costs a lot, because a lot of tangible items are used, like paper, ink, cover. Also, in paperback publishing, most publishers print at least 10-20 copies in one go, not just one, so it's always an assembled costs.  However, with time we moved to a digital world. Earlier, people used to read real books, now most people, even avid readers find it

How To Choose Book Topic

 How To Choose Book Topic Writing a book has always been fun. It's creative, it's imaginative, and it's a wonderful process. To create your own world, your own characters and then to send it out in the world.  However, writing a book, writing a novel is also a tedious task on the other hand. A novel which can have many chapters, it's not easy to write and connect all the dots without any guidance, especially when it comes to selecting a book topic.  A book topic is something that the book is based on. It can be a book genre, a book category or a book theme along which the complete narrative of the book is set.  Therefore, we bring you a list of tips that can help you to choose book topic: 1. Begin with a concept- You need to first have a concept in your mind. What would be your book about? Maybe physics? Or archaeology? First and foremost you need to have a book concept in your mind.  2. Who is your audience and what will they gain?- Second, before choosing a topic, it&

10 Amazing Books That Will Improve Your Writing Skills

 10 Amazing Books That Will Improve Your Writing Skills Writing a book has always been fun. It's creative, it's imaginative, and it's a wonderful process. To create your own world, your own characters and then to send it out in the world.  However, writing a book, writing a novel is also a tedious task on the other hand. A novel which can have many chapters, it's not easy to write and connect all the dots without any guidance.  And that's why we bring for you a list of 10 books that'll improve your writing skills, and give you tips on how to improve your writing skills. 1. Everybody Writes: Your Go-To Guide to creating ridiculously good content by Ann Handley- An all in one place book which helps you in creating amazing content online social media. 2. Write Tight- Say Exactly What You Mean With Precision And Power By William Brohaugh- The writer goes beyond the discussion on redundancy and overwriting to take on roundabout writing.  3. The Sense of Style: The Th

Publish Your Books On


How to publish your own journal

 How to publish your own journal Journal writing is just like diary writing, updating the day to day activities or experiences on a platform, be it a diary online or offline. It could also be about day to day findings and researches on a place.  Here are few tips how to publish your own journal:  1. Research your publishing options. Take the time to explore the journals in your field, to choose the best fit for your research. Don't rush in and take a wise decision.  2. Draft your article. Once you've selected the best platform for your journal in your field, now is the time to actually write the first draft of your article.  3. Read the instructions for authors- Also, before submitting your journal on any site, be aware of the rules and regulations of the platform.  4. Make your submissions- After you're done writing your journal, and you've successfully selected the platform and understood all its rules, it's now time to make the submissions.  5. Peer review- Once

Tips for Submitting Your Writing and Getting Published

 Tips for Submitting Your Writing and Getting Published For many writers, the submission process is a big drag because it doesn’t involve writing, and let’s face it, most of us are in it for the writing. Your short story is finished. Your poem is polished. Your personal essay has been proofread. Now you’re ready to submit your creative writing project for publication. How do you do it? Where do you find the right publication? What materials should you send? Should you use e-mail or snail mail? How long do you wait before following up? And what if your piece is rejected? But there’s more to being a writer than just writing, especially if you want your work to be read or if you want to make a living as a writer. 1. Take some time to familiarize yourself with various agents, publishing houses, and publications in your genre. Send your work to the ones that are a good fit for your form, genre, and style. 2. You’ll find submission guidelines on most agents’ and publications’ websites. Other

Shabd's Webinar

 Come and join us this Thursday. Shabd is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Shabd Webinar Time: Aug 25, 2022 03:00 PM Mumbai, Kolkata, New Delhi Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 817 2930 3137 Passcode: Shabd 1 Book and article publishing.  2 Profile updation including social media links. 3. How to use wallet money won in competition on Shabd.  4. Which money is permissible to be transferred in bank account. 5. Q&A session.  So Join our Webinar this Thursday on 25th August, 2022 at 3:00 PM. #selfpublishing #bookstagram #author #indieauthor #selfpublished #writersofinstagram #authorsofinstagram #books #b #writingcommunity #writer #selfpublisher #book #writing #selfpublishedauthor #selfpub #selfpublish #amwriting #indieauthors #publishing #writerscommunity #authors #amazon #cher #ebook #booklover #bookcoverdesign #autorenleben #writerslife #writers

How To Self Publish A Poetry Book

 How To Self Publish A Poetry Book Poetry is the music of your soul, writers always believe this, that stories are the gateway to your creativity and imagination whereas poetry is related more to soul, heart, pain and love.  Many poets want to get their poetry books self published, and here's how: Where to publish poetry- 1. Social Media- Social Media sites are a great place to publish your poetries and gain readers.  2. Online poet communities- These days you'll find so many groups and communities that only function for poetry geeks.  3. Journal and Magazines- You can also send your poems to magazines and journals for publishing.  4. Your local community- In India, almost every community has it's own magazine and books. You can send your work to be published in that.  Easy Steps To Self Publishing Poetry- 1. Edit your poetry and get feedback from fellow poets and experienced professionals- Poetry too needs editing, and there's no one better than your fellow poets who h

How To Win A Book Writing Competition

 How To Win A Book Writing Competition These days, book writing competitions are too much in craze. Almost every publishing house now organizes various book writing competitions for their writers and to attract even more writers on their platform.  However, just participating in the competition doesn't mean that one will win it. There are so many things that need to be done in order to actually win a book writing competition.  Here are few tips you can use to win some book writing competitions: 1. Write something unique- If you go through the book market today, or even play story  games or watch movies or web series, you'll realize that they're all fun of stories. So there are already too many stories and ideas lying out there and one must come up with unique story ideas to win a prize.  2. Follow the rules- Many a times the participants write beautiful stories but fail or deny to follow the rules of the competition, like word limit, enteries, timelines, topics or any such

How To Write A Book About A Festival

 How To Write A Book About A Festival Many writers in India wants to write a book on festivals, as India is a land of festivals and diversities. We are a bunch of celebratory people and we enjoy writing and reading about the different festivals of India.  Therefore, we have made a list for you of the tips you need to remember if you're writing a book on festivals.  For writing a book on festivals we suggest that you adopt three general axes:  A: Origin and evolution of festivals- The very first thing that you need to begin your book about festivals is by adding the details of the origin and evolution of a festival. Where the festival begun from, what were the causes, the stories that lies behind the festival and how it has changed over all these years.  2. Aesthetics, creations and heritage- Also write about the heritage and creations of the festival. What are ways in which the festival is celebrates, what's done in the preparations, the religion it belongs to, when it's ce

How to get book reviews and marketing your self published book

 How to get book reviews and marketing your self published book Writing a book is just not enough if there's no one to actually read it. You need to write a book and ensure that it gets the readers and recognition it deserves. Book reviews and marketing are some of the ways you can use to promote your book.  So here are few tips you can use: 1. Have Your Book Edited For Content: Before sending your book in the market, ensure that you get it edited by someone, preferentially a professional editor so as that they can give you suggestions to make the book better.  2. Hire a Copyeditor- It's not fun to read a work full of errors, especially in language and grammar. So as to remove all such errors from your work, hire a copyeditor.  3. Comb the Book for Weird Formatting Tics- Sometimes, authors write books in uneven formatting in files and it should be set right before it goes for printing.  4. Assign the Right Book Genre-  Sometimes authors find it very confusing to select the genr

How To Promote A Self-Published Book

 How To Promote A Self-Published Book Writing a book has always been fun. It's creative, it's imaginative, and it's a wonderful process. To create your own world, your own characters and then to send it out in the world.  However, promotion and marketing of your book is also as important as writing a good book, and often harder than the writing part. Until one promotes and markets the book correctly, it doesn't matter how well you wrote the book, because there won't be an audience to buy or read or review it.  So it becomes very important to choose the correct platform for the promotions of the book to gain more sales, profits, brand name, recognition and popularity.  1. Write a good book-   We have always said time and again that one cannot market a book that's not written uniquely. So the first step for an author should always be to write a good and interesting book.  2. Your book cover attract potential book readers-  How will a reader select a book out of hu

Ways To Manage Your Writing Schedule

 Ways To Manage Your Writing Schedule Writing a book has always been fun. It's creative, it's imaginative, and it's a wonderful process. To create your own world, your own characters and then to send it out in the world.  However, writing a book, writing a novel is also a tedious task on the other hand. A novel which can have many chapters, it's not easy to write and connect all the dots without any guidance.  And that's why we're here to help you in guiding you how to write and manage your writing schedule:  1. Set deadlines for yourself- When it comes to writing, having a writing schedule is very important else we can be overcome by procrastinating behaviors and will keep on delaying the write-ups, never actually finishing our tasks at the right time.  2. Make time to write regularly- Setting deadlines isn't enough if you actually want to have some work done on your book. You need to really write. And that's why, it would be great if you make out time

Advantages Of Digital Publishing in 2022

  Advantages Of Digital Publishing in 2022 What Is Digital Publishing Digital publishing  simply means publishing anything by the help of digital means, through internet and electronic devices.  Long gone are the days when aspiring authors used to send their manuscripts to the  traditional publishing houses  and would wait for weeks to get an answer, often a rejection to publish. Now thanks to  online publishing,  and even  self-online publishing , writers can get their works  published online,  that too for free on several platforms. Why Go Online?  We ask, why not? With  online digital book publishing ,  and  digital publishing technologies,   going online for free  has now become a cakewalk. All you need is to find a suitable o nline publishing platform  and of course, a work you can publish.  Advantages/Benefits Of Online/ Digital Publishing There are so many a dvantages of digital book publishing , first one being saving a lot of time, costs and hassles. With  digital self publish

Tips For Successful Publishing

 There were times when people used to wait for ages to get their manuscripts approved from traditional publishing houses and then used to again go around bookstores and bookstalls to showcase their books, in both places, they had to pay huge sums- first to get their books approved and published, and then to ensure they're available in market.  Publishing a paperback copy of your book costs a lot, because a lot of tangible items are used, like paper, ink, cover. Also, in paperback publishing, most publishers print at least 10-20 copies in one go, not just one, so it's always an assembled costs.  However, with time we moved to a digital world. Earlier, people used to read real books, now most people, even avid readers find it easier to read more and more books online and on digital devices which is cheaper and more convenient. Here are some tips for successful publishing- 1. Set A Date- If you want to have a successful publishing of your book, set a date by which your book should

How To Choose The Right Topic And Right Publishing Platform To Write

 Writing a book has always been fun. It's creative, it's imaginative, and it's a wonderful process. To create your own world, your own characters and then to send it out in the world.  However, writing a book, writing a novel is also a tedious task on the other hand. A novel which can have many chapters, it's not easy to write and connect all the dots without any guidance. Likewise, choosing a topic for your first book can be very important too. Therefore we have brought an article to help you through these points- 1. Choose something that you've interest in- It's always easier to write a book of a topic that you're interested in. For example if you're interested in food, but you choose to write on cars, you won't have fun and probably won't write a great book either, so it's better to pen down your food knowledge.  2. Something you have some knowledge in- Having interest in something isn't enough. One could be interested about Mars but t

How To Get Your First Book Published

 Writing a book has always been fun. It's creative, it's imaginative, and it's a wonderful process. To create your own world, your own characters and then to send it out in the world.  However, writing a book, writing a novel is also a tedious task on the other hand. A novel which can have many chapters, it's not easy to write and connect all the dots without any guidance. Especially when it's your first ever book, writing and getting it published in self publishing can take a lot of toll on your handwork and patience, without any proper guidance whatsoever. And that's why we're here to help you in guiding you how to write and get your first ever book self-published easily in India- 1. Print- On- Demand- Once you've written and self published your book, you can contact the publishers to print your books in the numbers you demand. For example, let's say you only want 20 paperback copies, you can get only 20 copies published on demand.  2. E-book publi

Print on Demand Book Publishing

 There were times when people used to wait for ages to get their manuscripts approved from traditional publishing houses and then used to again go around bookstores and bookstalls to showcase their books, in both places, they had to pay huge sums- first to get their books approved and published, and then to ensure they're available in market.  Publishing a paperback copy of your book costs a lot, because a lot of tangible items are used, like paper, ink, cover. Also, in paperback publishing, most publishers print at least 10-20 copies in one go, not just one, so it's always an assembled costs.  However, with time we moved to a digital world. Earlier, people used to read real books, now most people, even avid readers find it easier to read more and more books online and on digital devices which is cheaper and more convenient.  Therefore, with time, it became necessary to keep an eye on the number of paperback books that were being printed, as the paperback market kept on diminis

Best-Selling Self Published Authors Of All Times

 Writing a book has always been fun. It's creative, it's imaginative, and it's a wonderful process. To create your own world, your own characters and then to send it out in the world.  However, publishing your book is also as important as writing a good book, and often harder than the writing part. Until one publishes the book correctly, it doesn't matter how well you wrote the book, because there won't be an audience to buy or read or review it.  So it becomes very important to choose the correct platform for the publishing of the book to gain more sales, profits, brand name, recognition and popularity.  Gone are the days of getting your book traditionally published taking weeks and months. Now's the time to get your book self published in a matter of few hours or days. Also, many new writers beleive that only authors who gets traditionally published can become best selling authors.  Well, that's not the case, here are a few very famous and successful autho