How Do I Cultivate The Habit Of Reading

 As an online book publishing media platform who also give access to hundreds of free titles to be downloaded and read by the users, this is one question that we get asked a lot.

“How do I cultivate the habit of reading?”

Reading is more than a hobby, it’s a medicine and food for the hungry minds, and it can only be enjoyed or be benefitted from only when it is done in a proper way.

Here are some of the few things we suggest to become better readers.

  1. Choose a time where you’re not in a hurry. Book reading is a silent activity and you shouldn’t pick up a book if you’re in a rush.
  2. Pick up a book which suits your interest. For example, many readers only like fiction, many only like self-help books, some like political books and some like cookery books. Some can read whatever is given to them. Picking a book of your interest will help you enjoy reading it.
  3. Don’t rush reading. If you’re new to book reading, read only a page a day.
  4. Designate some time solely for reading, say 30 minutes or more. Time before going to bed is the best time to pick up a book to unwind the hectic day and maintain this habit daily.
  5. It doesn’t matter how many pages you’re reading in a day, what matters is how much you’re understanding what the author has written. Comprehending book as a whole is necessary more than speed, which can come later.

Reading is a habit that comes with consistency and interest. You first have to take interest in reading, and then be persistent about it. But once you start enjoying the joy that reading is, we can assure you, you’ll never look back.


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