5 Reasons Why You Should Pursue Writing As A Career

 5 Reasons Why You Should Pursue Writing As A Career

Writing is not a career, for starters, but a dream, a passion, a meditation, a prayer, and when a person starts walking on this path of their heart, they're bound to do great things. Writing is not the most conventional of careers even today in India or world, people still value the secured options more, like government jobs, lawyers, engineers, doctors and amongst them, there's always a mind thinking, "Should I become a writer?", or "How does one become a writer?" or about "What to do to become a writer?" 
We'll discuss about each point but first, 5 reasons why you should pursue writing as a career/

  • You Get To Create 

As a writer, the best thing about being one is simple; you're the God of the world you're creating. Be it a poem, a story, an article, a novel or anything you're writing. You can add as many characters as you want, or even kill some of them if you deem it required. If you see to it, all web series, movies, books, sitcoms are basically stories created by writers. So you see, it all starts with writing.

Writing As A Career

  • You Get To Change

For all the people who can write but don't want to, those who ask, "Why become a writer," or, "Why become an author", or "Why do people become writers?" because they don't see much meaning in it, well this one's for you. One should pursue writing because a pen is mightier than a sword. Writing can change lives. Imagine writing something good in New Delhi, India and being read by a depressed person sitting in New York, USA and providing hope to that person just by mere beautiful words? 

Writing As A Career

  • You Get To Earn

  • "I want to become a writer, but there's no money in it," we at Shabd get to listen this one statement almost everyday from the aspiring writers, and we tell them it's all a myth. There is a complete industry in writing today, content writing, digital marketing, editing, proof reading, books, media, journalism,, there are a vast options and jobs in writing these days.

  • You Get To Leave A Mark

Just like a phenomenal doctor, scientist or engineer can leave their mark in their fields by doing exceptional work, same way, if you become a writer or an author who's delivering the very best, one day your name will be remembered in the field of words like Ruskin Bond, Jane Austen, or who knows, maybe Premchand or Shakespeare too? 

Writing As A Career

  • You Get To Experience

A writer is someone who experience different lives. He/she meets a lot of people, reads a variety of books and things, and equally writes numerous pieces. Which  all makes you someone who isn't living the very same life on a repeat mode. Each day, week, month or year could bring new experiences for you.
So if you're a writer, it would be so much better for you to pursue writing, or at least thing about pursuing writing as your career, and we hope, you get immense success in it as well. 


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