
Sudha Murty: The Jewel

  Sudha Murty: The Jewel Sudha Murty , an Indian writer, philanthropist, author, social worker, chairman of the Infosys Foundation. She was born on 19th August, 1950 in Karnataka. Murty was the first woman Engineer hired at the TELCO after she had written a personal letter to Mr. J.R.D Tata against the practice of only interviewing and appointing men for the job, in reply to which she was screened on a special interview and immediately hired by TELCO. She had also been awarded with Padma Shree in 2006. She married co-founder of the Infosys Mr. Narayana Murty and has two children. Sudha Murty has written quite a lot of books which have been translated in all major Indian languages, and they include short stories, complete novels, children’s books. She has also written actively for newspapers. Some of her notable works are: The Day I stopped Drinking Milk   Over the years, Sudha Murty has come across some fascinating people whose lives make for interesting stories and have asto

Sudha Murty And Her Words

 Sudha Murty And Her Words Sudha Murty, an Indian writer, philanthropist, author, social worker, chairman of the Infosys Foundation. She was born on 19th August, 1950 in Karnataka. Murty was the first woman Engineer hired at the TELCO after she had written a personal letter to Mr. J.R.D Tata against the practice of only interviewing and appointing men for the job, in reply to which she was screened on a special interview and immediately hired by TELCO. She had also been awarded with Padma Shree in 2006. She married co-founder of the Infosys Mr. Narayana Murty and has two children. Sudha Murty has written quite a lot of books which have been translated in all major Indian languages, and they include short stories, complete novels, children’s books. She has also written actively for newspapers. Some of her notable works are: The Old Man and His God The old man and his God: Discovering the spirit of India Sudha Murthy once told someone that when people often wondered why so many i

The Week Of Murty

Sudha Murty , an Indian writer, philanthropist, author, social worker, chairman of the Infosys Foundation. She was born on 19th August, 1950 in Karnataka. Murty was the first woman Engineer hired at the TELCO after she had written a personal letter to Mr J.R.D Tata against the practice of only interviewing and appointing men for the job, in reply to which she was screened on a special interview and immediately hired by TELCO. She had also been awarded with Padma Shree in 2006. She married co-founder of the Infosys Mr Narayana Murty and has two children. Sudha Murty has written quite a lot of books which have been translated in all major Indian languages, and they include short stories, complete novels, children’s books. She has also written actively for newspapers.  Some of her notable works are: Wise And Otherwise : This book contains fifty vignettes that showcase the myriad shades of human nature - a man dumps his aged father in an old-age home after declaring him to be a homeless s

Sudha Murty- The Woman That Leads

 Sudha Murty- The Woman That Leads Sudha Murty , an Indian writer, philanthropist, author, social worker, chairman of the Infosys Foundation. She was born on 19th August, 1950 in Karnataka. Murty was the first woman Engineer hired at the TELCO after she had written a personal letter to Mr J.R.D Tata against the practice of only interviewing and appointing men for the job, in reply to which she was screened on a special interview and immediately hired by TELCO. She had also been awarded with Padma Shree in 2006. She married  co-founder of the Infosys Mr Narayana Murty and has two children. Sudha Murty has written quite a lot of books which have been translated in all major Indian languages, and they include short stories, complete novels, children’s books. She has also written actively for newspapers.  Some of her notable works are: Three Thousand Stiches -  As she’s a philanthropist and a social worker which takes her around India and the world, she’s a cave of many stories and interes

4 Tips To Inculcate The Habit Of Reading

4 Tips To Inculcate The Habit Of Reading  We all want to become readers because we all know how much reading can shape our personality, mind and future. We also know that almost all successful people also have the habit of reading many books and articles.  But not everyone of us is a reader. Not everyone of us enjoys reading. So what can those people do who don't enjoy the reading but still want to inculcate this habit.    Well, fear no more as is here to help you out.  1. Read everyday- Reading every day, even if it's one page, will help you become better at reading and the more you'll read everyday, the more you'll see it'll become a habit.  2. Select the genre you like- Reading something that you like make reading easy. For example if you love romance but end up reading horror, you'll feel bored of the book in no time. Therefore it's necessary to choose a book of your interest. 3. Read Slowly, Don't Rush- We at Shabd recommend you to take

5 Benefits of Self Publishing

 Gone are the days where the authors used to run behind the publishers for getting their books published, waiting for weeks and months, getting their manuscripts rejected for n number of times. There were so many writers in the history who cannot get their numerous books published because of lack of publishing services.  Every writer who has written a book deserves to get the book published like a book. It could be a dream to many and who knows we can have the next new bestsellers. Every writer deserve a chance, an opportunity to get their book published.  And that's why self publishing is the way to go these days.  These are the 5 benefits of self-publishing 1. Quick - Self publishing takes almost no time. You can start publishing your book straight away on platforms like and get your book live in just  1 day. 2- Total control - You are the one doing everything, and hence the total control over your book lies in your hand.  3- Costs Reduction - As you're the only one

Publishing Houses In India

 How To Publish A Book In India? India has always churned out many esteemed writers, novelists and authors since time immemorial. From Valmiki to Veda Vyasa to Kalidas to Premchand to Tagore to Naidu, we have had our writing jewels. So, it’s safe to say that we Indian do have literature and writing in our blood with a rich history. And that’s why it’s of no doubt how and why we have so many writers and authors in India who are writing exceptionally well.  But, simply writing good is not enough, every writer with a book in hand look out for publishers who can publish their books in both online and paperback format in considerable prices with other set of services like ISBN allotment, cover designing, page formatting, distribution-ship, promotions, marketing, after sales services.  One such publisher in India is newly launched online writing and publishing platform called as, which lets you self-publish your book, you can choose whether you want to get your book published on on